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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

zeiss dialyt binoculars for the beginning binocular enthusiast

As it is with binoculars, so it is with scopes. Bird-watchers, hunters and amateur astronomers are just a few of the people who use binoculars.

Even the finest of binoculars in the world turn out to be useless if you can't take them with you wherever you go. The size varies a lot, smaller binoculars are more expensive, but they might be just as powerful as the big ones. With a cheap telescope, this will be of no use to you, as it will be hard to keep up.

So a pair of binoculars that has the number 7x30 stamped onto the casing is a binocular that will magnify any object to seven times its actual size, and has a lens size of 30mm. Many binoculars have an option for attached lens covers that open and close as you make your observations. Looking at the moon on occasion with a telescope looks like snow has dropped on the surface of the moon.

There are models available that allow you to do more than just look. The question how to buy a telescope is not a big one, more what you want out of the telescope.

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